
Complete solutions.

A comprehensive air mobility network.

Air mobility is bigger than a fleet of aircraft. It's an entire ecosystem that integrates with existing transportation ecosystems. Supernal is working to ensure AAM can be tailored in each market to address local transportation challenges.

Support transportation network integration

eVTOL vehicles will not replace today’s modes of transportation. Rather, they will integrate with and augment existing options to fill gaps and add capacity to strained transit networks.


Custom configurations

We understand transportation behaviors and challenges in different geographies are unique. So flexibility is part of our design. We’re working with city planners to understand local communities and create AAM networks that bring value to a city while respecting its unique character.

Augmenting existing transit networks

Positioned strategically throughout cities with access in mind, vertiports will connect to the existing modes of transportation such as buses, trains, and rideshare.

Completing fragmented routes

Vertiports are “placemakers.” Many cities have communities that lack access to the existing transportation their neighbors enjoy. A vertiport can change that, and open up the city to all - breathing new life into neighborhoods that may feel left behind.

Welcome to the vertiport.

Vertiports are valuable additions to any city. They connect to various locations by air and offer easy access to existing transportation on either end.


Transportation network integration

Arriving and departing is easy. Vertiports will connect passengers to rideshare, public transportation and other forms of transit.

Supernal S-A2 vertical take off

Vertical takeoff and landing

Vertiports enable electric air vehicles to takeoff and land vertically without the need for a runway.


Sustainable transportation support

Ample public charging stations supporting sustainable transportation modes, such as cars, e-bikes and scooters will be just outside the vertiport.


Step into the future of mobility

Ready to catch your all-electric aircraft for a quick flight across town? The vertiport will make everyday mobility enjoyable again.


Passenger lounge

Lots of room. Comfortable seating. Modern design. This is a big step up from some of the airport travel you're used to.


Cafes and restaurants

Grab a coffee and a bagel, or settle in for a full meal while you wait for your flight across town.


Control center

This is the helm of the vertiport, equipped with the latest air traffic and weather-sensing technology - making electric air travel safe and streamlined.

Explore our cabin concept.

Inspired by the efficiency and beauty of nature, the concept for our passenger cabin was the first engineering achievement we made publicly visible prior to the launch of our S-A2 aircraft at CES 2024.


From auto to aero

HMG and Supernal are working together to bring the best of automotive design and manufacturing into aviation.


Inspired by nature

Nature has a lot to teach us about engineering. Our aircraft draws heavily from the elegant and efficient motions of birds and butterflies.


Passenger focused

Our cabin is built around the passenger. It will be equipped with modern comforts and feel perfectly natural as you soar through the sky.


Award-winning design

Developed by Luc Donckerwolke, HMG’s Chief Creative Officer, our concept cabin won recognition at the renowned International Forum (iF) Design Award competition.